Jimmy Bielling, Bielling Farms, Union

Jimmy Bielling and his wife, Kathy, own and operate Bielling Farms. Bielling Farm produces corn, soybeans, watermelon and, in recent years, they have placed an emphasis on their timber operation, including refurbishing timberland. Jimmy uses moisture probes to ensure that they are conserving water, and they monitor their nitrogen use to make sure they are following guidelines to ensure they are doing their part to protect the basin. Environmental stewardship is important to the Bielling family because they want to protect the ecosystem and manage their property correctly so it will be better for future generations.

Jimmy is the President of the Florida Forestry Association, serves on his County advisory board, and he and his wife, Kathy, are active members of Providence Village Baptist Church. Bielling Farm is also an active supporter of UF/IFAS as well as FFA and 4H.